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The primary objective of the Master is to train students so that they can reach high scientific and technical qualifications at teaching, professional or research level. To this end, it provides a modern, updated and useful perspective in Micro- and Nano-electronics Science and Technology. In particular, it is proposed to exercise students in disciplines to conceive, design, verify, manufacture and test integrated circuits and systems, especially in submicron technologies, as well as to integrate them in specific applications on demand.

The training core of the Master comprises four 6-credit compulsory courses listed below:

  • Micro- and nano-devices and technologies
  • Design of analog, digital, mixed-signal and RF (AMS/RF) integrated circuits
  • Applications, systems and techniques for information processing
  • Design methodologies and CAD tools

Along with these four courses, compulsory for all of the students, each student will choose one out of four possible concentrations. Three of these routes require taking three electives that form the core of each corresponding training concentration. These three concentrations are:

  1. Circuits and systems for wireless communications
  2. Circuits and systems for acquisition and processing of sensory signals
  3. Advanced design and test techniques for nano-scale circuits, devices and emerging applications

The fourth route, called "Generic Concentration", allows students to choose any elective among those offered.

The Master is designed to be attended completely online. All courses are taken online, except work placements, which are face-to-face but elective. The Master makes use of the e-learning plataform of the University of Seville (BlackBoard Learn). The online nature of the Master involves time flexibility since it is the student herself/himself who, on a daily basis, sets her/his own learning pace. In case she/he needs direct communication (video conference, phone call, etc.), a schedule that satisfies the requirements of both the teacher and the student will be specifically established for each course.


  • To know more about this Master (structure, teaching management, faculty, admission, etc.), use the top menu to navigate through the different sections of this website.
  • You can access the institutional website of the University of Seville for this Master by clicking on the following link.
  • To learn more about the information and general services of the University of Seville at the disposal of its students, you can access:
  • On Monday, April 15, at 3:30 p.m., there will be a shutdown of all the IMSE's computer systems to update the core of our network. The process will take approximately 4 hours and will affect to all the Master's equipments.

  • ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 OFFICIALLY STARTS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Students enrolled in the master will receive a welcome document and access information in coming days.

  • Section "ANNOUNCEMENTS" includes open positions, scholarships, etc.

Buzón Electrónico de Quejas, Sugerencias, Felicitaciones e Incidencias de la Universidad de Sevilla, EXPON@us.
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Título de Máster Universitario verificado por la ANECA y publicado su carácter oficial en el BOE Nº 236 de 29/09/2010.
Inscrito en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos con el nº 4312169

Plan de Estudios aprobado por la Resolución de 20 de Julio de 2011 de la Universidad de Sevilla, publicado en el BOE Núm. 259 de 27 de octubre de 2011