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Link to scholarships granted by the University of Seville

Link to scholarships and job offers from IMSE-CNM (Institute of Microelectronics of Seville)

Link to scholarships granted by CSIC (Spanish National Research Council)



University of Seville:

Ministry of Education and Professional Training:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation:

Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities:

Iberoamerican Interuniversity Graduate Association:

  • ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-25 OFFICIALLY STARTS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th. Students enrolled in the master will receive a welcome document and access information in coming days.

  • On Monday, April 15, at 3:30 p.m., there will be a shutdown of all the IMSE's computer systems to update the core of our network. The process will take approximately 4 hours and will affect to all the Master's equipments.

  • ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 OFFICIALLY STARTS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Students enrolled in the master will receive a welcome document and access information in coming days.

  • Section "ANNOUNCEMENTS" includes open positions, scholarships, etc.

Buzón Electrónico de Quejas, Sugerencias, Felicitaciones e Incidencias de la Universidad de Sevilla, EXPON@us.
Zona profesores
Zona alumnos
logo imse-cnm
logo universidad de sevilla

Título de Máster Universitario verificado por la ANECA y publicado su carácter oficial en el BOE Nº 236 de 29/09/2010.
Inscrito en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos con el nº 4312169

Plan de Estudios aprobado por la Resolución de 20 de Julio de 2011 de la Universidad de Sevilla, publicado en el BOE Núm. 259 de 27 de octubre de 2011