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Once your application for pre-registration to the master through the Andalusian Single District has been resolved and you are granted access to the master, you must proceed to enroll in the terms that will be communicated to you.

The Master in Microelectronics consists of 60 ECTS credits. According to the established criteria this corresponds to a full-time dedication, that is, 40 hours/week throughout the course for an average student. It must also be taken into account that the necessary dedication may vary depending on the student's previous training. Therefore, it is recommended that each student make a realistic assessment of the availability of time for the follow-up of the master's degree and, where appropriate, apply for part-time enrollment. If you wish to have personalized advice for your particular situation, you can contact the Master's Coordination through the contact form in the 'Contact' tab in the upper right corner.

The enrollment process of the Master is directly done through the Auto-enrollment application of the University of Seville. (

Recommendations for partial-time enrollment:

Students who cannot devote full time to the Master, or students who require greater dedication because of the nature of their previous training, can enroll in only 30 credits. Later on, they will be able to enroll in 18 additional credits during the extended period of enrollment. With this recommendation, students without full-time dedication are encouraged to complete the Master in two years.

Under exceptional circumstances, according to article 26 of Reglamento General de Actividades Docentes, enrollment for a minimum of 12 credits is allowed as long as the student has special academic needs according to the rules defined in articles 26 and 27 of the Reglamento General de Estudiantes.

For those students who have already enrolled and had wanted to benefit from this possibility, please contact the Secretariat of the Faculty of Physics before the end of the enrollment period.



To complete the enrollment process, the Master students must provide the required printed documentation. This can be done electronically by accessing the Self-Registration Documentation mailbox in DOMUS.If you prefer, you can send the documentation as soon as possible by postal mail to the Secretary of the Faculty of Physics, at the following address:

Facultad de Física
Avda. Reina Mercedes, s/n
41012 Sevilla, SPAIN

If this documentation is not sent in due time and form, the enrollment will be automatically canceled.

If you have any problem regarding enrollment, please contact the student manager of the Faculty of Physics Secretariat (Email:; Tlf: +34 954 55 28 82).

  • ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-25 OFFICIALLY STARTS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th. Students enrolled in the master will receive a welcome document and access information in coming days.

  • On Monday, April 15, at 3:30 p.m., there will be a shutdown of all the IMSE's computer systems to update the core of our network. The process will take approximately 4 hours and will affect to all the Master's equipments.

  • ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 OFFICIALLY STARTS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Students enrolled in the master will receive a welcome document and access information in coming days.

  • Section "ANNOUNCEMENTS" includes open positions, scholarships, etc.

Buzón Electrónico de Quejas, Sugerencias, Felicitaciones e Incidencias de la Universidad de Sevilla, EXPON@us.
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Título de Máster Universitario verificado por la ANECA y publicado su carácter oficial en el BOE Nº 236 de 29/09/2010.
Inscrito en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos con el nº 4312169

Plan de Estudios aprobado por la Resolución de 20 de Julio de 2011 de la Universidad de Sevilla, publicado en el BOE Núm. 259 de 27 de octubre de 2011