QUALITY ASSURANCE: PROCESSThe "Master in Microelectronics: Design and Applications of Micro/Nanoscale Systems" has a Quality Assurance System that complies with the rules established by the University of Seville for all its official degrees. The Commission for Quality Assurance of the Degree is responsible for ensuring that the established indicators are satisfactory and the degree increasingly gets more attractive to all involved parties (students, faculty, administrative staff, employers and society). EXPON@US: Mailbox for complaints, comments and suggestions. [Link] |
Título de Máster Universitario verificado por la ANECA y publicado su carácter oficial en el BOE Nº 236 de 29/09/2010. Plan de Estudios aprobado por la Resolución de 20 de Julio de 2011 de la Universidad de Sevilla, publicado en el BOE Núm. 259 de 27 de octubre de 2011 |